Who We Are

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Memoir Meme

Ha roo, pups! It's me - Zim! My friend Girl Girl the Hamsterberian tagged me in the latest game going around. It's pretty cool!

Here's what you're supposed to do:
  • Write your own six word memoir.
  • Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like.
  • Link to the person that tagged you in your post, and to the original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere.
  • Tag at least five more blogs with links.
  • Don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.
  • Have fun.
The "having fun" part goes without saying around here. Ha roo roo roo! OK, here goes:

1. Dreamy

2. Photogenic

3. Schmoopy

4. Playful

5. Charismatic

6. Inquisitive

I'm going to tag Sitka, Khyra, Ari, the Mars Bar, and Jazz & Dixie. Remember the FUN part!

Play bows,

PS: Storm said to keep signing up for the SZK SSS class Cooperating for Photos 1 class! The semester will start in a few days!!!


  1. Thanks Zimstigator -

    Always startin' somethin' -

    I'll get khrakhkin' -

    After I nap!


  2. Great memoir! You are all those things. I think Kat needs to sign up for the class. She never looks good in pictures, but she says that it's really ME that needs the class!


  3. and the Canine Kids said,
    We loved your pictorial memoir. You are so photogenic!

  4. I signed up but the instructor might be sorry! Mom thinks I'll be disruptive but we'll give it a try. Great picturs by the way!

  5. Hi, Zim-
    Thanks so much for thinking of us. We'll work on our meme and post it later this week. Yours is pretty great--especially that live-action-play photo. Fierce!

    PS- Please, please, please, sign up Ari for the photo class: she HATES the camera.

  6. Harrrrr Matey Zim
    you look like you are ready for anyting Harrrr.
    Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

  7. Did you get to chase that kitty??

    Big Sloppy Kisses
    Gus and Louie

  8. Ahhhh, very handsome pics!

    Woo woo, KA

  9. Hi, Zim!
    The pictures prove your words!
    Kisses and hugs

  10. Very nice! But shhh, don't tell our humom about that class, it would ruin Star's fun... go check out our blog! *New camera!*

  11. Mom wishes I was more Schmoopy. That is what Tanner is for! I love your hat!

  12. Thanks for the Zimmories!
    We love the hat.

    The Forget Sit and Stay Gang

  13. You sure are Charismatic Zim. :)

    ~ Girl girl

  14. Great memoir, Zim! We loved all the pictures!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  15. Great pictures, Zimmie! We would like to sign up for your class. Sometimes we just don't cooperate when we get our pictures taken. Is that right or wrong?!?! Dad ends up deleting more pictures of us than he saves! Tell Dave that we are glad that he liked the picture of the Southern Most Bagpipe Player. Belly Rubs, Tasha & Eva.

  16. Anonymous8:25 PM

    WOOOO ZIM! Thank woo for tagging me. We will be working on this tomorrow.
