Who We Are

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Working Hard

Woo, everypup and kitty and occasional biped who stops by the blog! It's me, Dave - Guide Dog for the Color Blind. Mom's gotten in a lot of orders for bags lately, which means I've been working like CRAZY in the Studio!

One of the bags we just finished up was a Z Bag for Zimmie's best kit-kat pal's (Huffle Mawson) mom. It was going all the way to Australia, so we put a lot of care into making sure it was JUST right! We also included some special things for Huffle.

Last week, you saw the potential body guard Zim sent to keep Huffle safe. Stormy really liked some little roly-poly mice and gave them her seal of approval:

Oh, yeah. These are cool! She'll love these!

We tried to find a kitty Wubba; I found one that Mom sent to Tia, but we couldn't find one for Huffs! We thought maybe a Puppy Wubba would be a close substitute! I mean, Huffle IS an honorary husky! Ammy checked it out:

I could destroy this in 3.4 seconds. Oh. It's for Huffle!? Yes, it's very nice!

Zim knew I was hard at work picking the fabs for Huffle's mom's bag. Since Huffle is his best friend, he wanted to make sure I chose something really cool. Puh-lease. Who's the best Guide Dog for the Color Blind? Anywoo, he came into the inner part of the Studio on an inspection. He was named after a Drill Sergeant, so this is second nature to him.

Is this where you and Mom keep the fabric? Sure could use straightening!

Then he really put the pressure on me!

Make sure you choose something cool, Dave!

Woo! I looked at tons and tons of things, then I mulled over these:

Hmm.... Kaffe Fassett fabs. Pretty hip and modern. Hmm...

Then I let Mom know.

I think these are the ones!

Mom never would have made the plunge without my input. Woo!

Have a great weekend, everypup, and don't work too hard!



  1. Sharp barks, Dave! An Excellent choice of fabric. Be Bold!

    I have heard Talk of Kaffe Fassett, in relation to Yarn. Our kitties love round Yarn Blankets. Does your Mom knit?

    More barks,

  2. She is just sooooo lukhky to have woo!

    Just think of all the fashion faux paws woo have saved her from!!

    Those look fantastikh!!!


  3. Great choices Dave! We are sure Huffle's huMom will love them!!

    Woooo woo rar rar rar,
    Kayla and Maebe

  4. You did a great job at selscting fabrics dave. I think you take your job very seriously but sometimes it helps to have a little motivation.

  5. w00f's A04, those wuz sum bute ti ful fabrics, Dave...me iz shure u mad the rite decision...and glad u liked ur own BFF, Ammy!!!

    b safe,

  6. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Dave,... you and Zim are such good helpers!!! I think Huffle will enjoy the wubba! It looks just like mine and I LOVE IT! Tia loves hers too... she drags it all over the house.
    Puppy WOos,
    Cornelia Marie

  7. Hi, Dave!
    Another excellent fabric choice!
    I wonder how you can do that so good!
    Kisses and hugs

  8. So Dave, do you help your Mom and Dad select their clothes in the morning too? Just asking.


    P.S. Thanks for including a picture of my girl!

  9. WOO WOO Dave

    You have such an important job at your house. And the pics are just great!

    MrSippi thanks you for taking care of the Huffle bag - you know they are a THING!

    Thor and Marco Polo

  10. Mum and I LOVE our new stuff! The bag is way cool - you did a great job on the colours Dave. And I LOVE all my new toys. Mr Mouse has been on protective detail but I have been playing with him too. It's all great! Thanks pups! And thanks to my best friend Zimmie for looking out for me :)

    Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat

  11. Dave, you've done it again! Great choices all around, and we particularly like that rich plum color. Huffle will be so pleased!

  12. Another fine choice! I sureh hope you were well rewarded for all that hard work. You must be absolutley exhausted!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hey Dave did your mom get the check from our mom?

  15. Great job, Dave! Would it really take Ammy a whole 3.4 seconds on that wubba? I'm sure she could do better.

