Who We Are

Tuesday, August 05, 2008


Hi everypuppy and everycat. It's me - Ammy! I got the most wonderful surprise in the mail yesterday ... but before I get into that, I wanted to thank our friends over at Jan's Funny Farm for presenting us with the "Arte-y-Pico" Award! You are so kind - thank you for the honor!

I just couldn't believe it when Mom brought the mail in yesterday. There was a really big envelope and some things for Mom were in it, but then I KNEW there was something else in there. Something VERY special! LOOK!

It's BRICE! My very handsome boyfriend, Brice! Sigh! I could gaze into those eyes of his all day long!

He even signed it, "Love, Brice". "Love." Sigh.

I got to go out and play in the yard a little bit, too, like Davy did. Only I didn't really care about the Wubba. You know ... the one Holly sent ALL of us. Not just Davy. ALL of us. I wasn't in the mood to play, though. All I could think about was Brice.

Sigh. Brice. He's so handsome...

Just thinking about him made me smile. Then... I thought I smelled Oswald. He had been prowling around (or whatever bunnies do) all morning. My expression and posture changed and I started to go on the hunt. That's when Mom decided I should be on the big leash.

Oswald? Are you down there?

Our friends Thor and Marco Polo asked why Dave was trailing a big leash behind him during his play session. Basically, it's Oswald's fault. He doesn't exactly clear out of our AO like he should when we come out to play in our yard. I think maybe Stormy granted him and his family sanctuary in our yard. Hrmph! Anyway, Mom doesn't want to see us do what might come naturally to us (please Google "prey drive" and "Siberian Husky" some time...) so if Oswald is around, she has a leash on us as a safety net. Like in the play session Davy showed you yesterday, Mom wasn't holding it, but it was there if she needed it.

Thanks again to our friends at JFF for the cool award! And ... sigh ... thank roo to my special, handsome Brice for the 8x10 glossy. Sigh. Have I mentioned how handsome he is?



  1. Ammy and Brice sitting in a tree. K-i-s-s-i-n-g! First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby sittin' in carriage!!

    I heard from Eva that Brice was being naughty! I bet you don't even care! :)

    Hugs, Kodak

  2. Hi Amy!
    Aww... Brice is a cutie! No wonder you're totally in love with him!
    Sorry we haven't been around fur so long, we just realized we hadn't added you to our blog feed, silly us! We're so sorry! But we promise we'll be visiting more often now!
    Hope you and your family have a great day!
    Wags and licks,
    Maya and Kena
    PS. You're welcome fur the Dogster gifts! :)

  3. w00f's A04, dat Brice iz shure a handsome guy but hes shure wild...heehee me has to b on a lone lead too, mama dont wanna me to git to the squeerls, me not no y not,,,

    b safe,

  4. Did he pawtograph it for you?


  5. Oh Ammy, you are so cute. I feel exactly te same way about my handsome boyfriend Cosi:)


  6. Brice is very handsome girly, what a gorgeous pic he sent you too!!!

    M & I

  7. Such beautiful, beautiful dogs you have!

  8. Harrrrrrr Ammy
    looks like Brice made yer day Harrr.
    Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

  9. Woo! That's some 8x10 glossy you've got there. An Oswald hopped through my buddy Calvin's yard the other day. He and his pack made one bunny into three! I don't know how they did that!

  10. I always think of you during my naps. Which is a lot of my day since Momma has to work.


  11. I think you are too pretty for the boofhead Brice. Although he is a bit handsome.

    Huffle Mawson, jealous because she doesn't have a boyfriend :(

  12. Even Tanner figured out you think Brice is handsome...lol. Your yard always looks so nice, not deathly hot like here!

  13. He does look very dreamy!

    TTFN, Meadow

  14. Hi, Ammy!
    That picture of Brice deserves to be framed!
    Kisses and hugs

  15. OMD!

    Woo are sooooo furry lukhky!!

    I mean, I did get a love note from STEVE but not the 8x10 glossy woo did!!!



  16. You have a kool (in Khyra-ese) yard, Amy. What a luvstruck gal woo are, hawoo! We know how it is with us guys over our gals, too!

    da boys, Cosmos & Juneau

  17. Ammy,

    I see Cupid is hanging out.
    I prefer Oswald.

    Rosemary, aka Bat Girl

  18. That's so sweet of Brice to send that. ;)

    ~ Girl girl

  19. That's a great award for the AO4!!! And Ammy, you look so beautiful up there. You are gorgeous.

    Wags, the OP Pack
