This week's Sunday Salute goes out to our friends Bryn and Maui!

Bryn (above) and Maui (below). Stop staring at the kitty, roo guys!
Bryn and Maui live in Florida, near Orlando and were both recently adopted from the SPCA!
Bryn (above) on Adoption Day - with her new mom!
Bryn is a Yellow Labrador and told us, “I was born April 14, 2005 and my birthstone is a diamond which Mom says makes me a gem. My long red eyelashes make my Mom smile and I can turn on the puppy eyes to make Dad reach for the cooky jar anytime I want.” See? Someone else who knows how to do The Sad Eyes! Ha roo! She went on to tell us, “The man who grew me up was older and needed to have an operation and there was no one to take care of me so he took me to these great people at the SPCA and they found me a family! I've got a Mom and a Dad and they have these smaller people they call ‘Treasures’.”
Here she is (above) with one of those Treasures, Nick! She said, “Can you imagine - a boy of my very own! … we just love each other so much. He takes me for walks and plays in the yard with me (it's all fenced in so I'm safe) and I sleep next to his bed and take care of him all night long whenever he visits.” Note to Captain Maverick, the Pirate: Harr! There seems to be some great treasure in Florida!
About Nick, Bryn told us, “A dog just couldn't ask for more.......the perfect size to play with, never gets tired of giving tummy-rubs.” Woooo!

Bryn sent us this picture (at left), with the note, “You know how they say some people and pets look alike? This is my Dad. He makes me smile.” Yes! We can see the resemblance!
The day after Bryn was adopted, they went back to the SPCA and brought Maui home! Bryn
said, “She had to stay the extra day to be 'spayed' which isn't something fun but definitely gives us a better life.” Amen to that! Spaying and neutering is good for our health!
Maui is part Siamese (stop staring at the kitty, Dave, Am and Zim!) with what Bryn described as Caribbean aqua blue eyes. Sounds almost Siberian! Bryn said she makes this little sound called purring that “just makes me so sleepy when we curl up for a nap together.” She was born in May 2006.

Maui (above) checking out the Disney web site
Bryn said Maui’s favorite thing to do is watch the cardinals in the feeders (looks like she's computer-savvy, too!) and added, “She can't go out or catch them ‘cause last week Mom took her to the doctor and had her claws lasered. I don't know what that means except she can't scratch me anymore.” Bryn, Storm here. I think it means she had a paw-dicure. Anyroo, Bryn really missed Maui while she was gone overnight. She said, “…when she came home I checked her out really friend Dave told me to do a Lab analysis and CAT scan so we knew everything was in good condition.” Ha roo roo roo. I think someone’s been hanging around Amber a lot lately… or has been reading Fargo’s blog!
Cat scan in progress, above
Of Florida, Bryn said, “It's always nice outside so as soon as I wake up there's yard work to be done. My job is to keep squirrels from the birdfeeders and check out all the neighboring yards to make sure everything's OK. My parents are really proud of me ‘cause I don't bark like all the other dogs around here. I only bark when I have to make someone know I'm gonna keep my Mom safe.” Way to GO, Bryn! She also said that when their mom is dressed, she sits next to her leash to let her know it's time for a walk. (Good biped training!) She said, “We make our regular rounds and then down the road to see the new houses being built and then across the road to check on the cows in the pasture. I tried playing Marco Polo with them one foggy morning but they didn't answer. Silly cows.......don't they know woofing when they hear it? Oh well.......maybe only California cows play Marco Polo.” Ha roo roo roo! We like those Airborne cows who parachute into the football stadium! (For our international readers, we've provided hyper-links to help explain!)
Bryn also noted that Christmas is coming and said they are working hard to get all the decorations up. She gets to be official cookie taster! She said, “It's a hard job but somedoggy has to do it.” Woo! We’d be happy to help you out with that!
She and Maui wished all of the Ao4 Digest readers a “Woofy Christmas and Meowy New Year.”
Bryn and Maui, for all you do – being rescuees, doing the Sad Eyes look, having your new parents and the Treasures wrapped around your paws, keeping the evil squirrels at bay, AND helping decorate for Christmas … we salute you!
Merry Christmas!
The Army of Four
PS: Stop staring at the kitty!