Who We Are

Monday, December 04, 2006


Hey everypup. Remember I mentioned my favorite (yet forbidden) people food is cappuccino? 'Specially now that it's so cold out and all...... ohhh, I could just really go for a frothy, foamy cup of ...

Oooh...... what's this? (sniff, sniff)

Dad.......... Dad, please can I have some Cappuccino?

Right there...... just beyond reach! Must... come up with... new... cute pose.

Who can say "no" to this face?

Play bows and cappuccino dreams,

Zim (I wonder if Santa would bring me a Starbuck's gift certificate?)


  1. You mean with that sad face of yours, you still did not get any coffee?

    By the way, my card is on the way! Let me know when you receive it.


  2. Oh Zim, that face should have gotten you at the very LEAST a spoonful! You will need to start doing what Samuel does, he will just knock the cup over with his nose and then start drinking!


  3. And here I am thinking if I was a tall dog like you guys I could reach anything!

    Bussie Kissies

  4. Zimmy!

    With cute poses and a face like that, I think they should make a
    "Zimma-ccino" named after you!Wait, don't they make enough money ALREADY! ;-)

    Luv and pool kisses...(Yes I jumped in much to my moms dismay this morinig)....I got the not so happy momma look.


  5. Zim~
    I felt so happy when I first learned that you where trying to reach me 'cos today I have a new paw-pal thank you for giving Marvin the info.I sure hope you get your cappuccino.sniff-sniff

    Lot's of Lick's

  6. Hi Zim...Juno here...I like Bailey's Irish Cream...if you have never had it, it is a MUST try...but good luck convincing the bi-peds!!!

  7. Jay: It's sad, isn't it? I NEED cappuccino! I'll let you know on the card!
    Holly: From your muzzle to dad's ears!
    Buster: Apparently, it doesn't matter HOW tall you are, you still can't have anything you want. :(
    Maddie the Chocolate Bunny: A "Zimma-ccino"? YEAH! I like that! Do you have new pix of you swimming?!?
    Sam I Am: Great to meet you! Stormy is the one who figured out how to find you. She's REALLY smart. sigh. She's my mentor!
    Juno: That sounds YUMMY! I'll have to check around for some!
    Play bows, all!

  8. Your pink nose is just soooo cute! Never mind the coffee! i am totally in love with your nose!

    My Mama has emailed yours.....

    love and licks Marv :0)

  9. just lookin back on your Posts.... see you talking about Cheeeeeese a while back, and Wallace and Gromit....when we stayed at the hotel in Yorkshire last week, in Hawes. That is the place where the Wallace and Gromit Cheese actually originally comes from, Wensleydale., mmmmmm cheese Gromit?!!!! My Mama's favourite.

    love and licks Marvin x

  10. Marvin: Babes can't resist smooching me right on the nose! And ha ROO! We just watched a Wallace and Grommit last night - it had sheep in it. And yes, they mentioned Wensleydale! How cool! Isn't Grommit COOL?!?
    Butchy & Snickers: Unfortunately, you're right, caffeine is a BIG "no-no" for us pups. That's why I'm not allowed to have my own cappuccino. Sometimes, I get a little finger of frothy foam from the milk, though. Mmmm! It's in the 50s now! We just got back from a walk to the park and I'm exHAUSTed!
    Play bows,

  11. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Hi Guys!
    You are the Husky Bloggers' Featured Member of December!!!
    Go to my blog to pick up you Featured Member seal ;P

  12. Thank roo, Raisa! We are so honored!
    Tail wags,

  13. You don't actually drink that stuff do you??

    I don't drink coffee myself but, sometimes Mama walks me by a coffee shop and the line ups are unbelievable!

    I wonder what those humans put in there?


  14. Zim - Have you really tasted it? I've never even seen a cappuccino in person. My mom only has boring drinks at home (yawn!)

  15. I luv your pink nose, I m not sure how cappuccino taste like, but my boss alwiz 'aaarrhhhhh' after the first sip..

  16. Hey guys! Congrats on being the featured Husky blog of the month!!


  17. oh my that face is the cutest. you should tell your mom and dad to check out my blog because MY mom and dad got some drinks that have what seems to be a siberian on the box?! (it might also be a wolf but if you drink enough of these drinks mom said it will look like anything you want!)

  18. Haa.. Zim, you really really love your coffee huh. :)

    ~ fufu

  19. Hey guys, you've just got to see Fufu's blog today! He has a shot of himself wearing his bandana like a babushka - very sibe like!

    Bussie Kissies

  20. Chelsea: I would if they'd LET me!
    T-man: Oh, yeah! I've tasted it - it's GREAT! Milky and sweet and (since I've only licked out the "empty" cup) just a hint of coffee flavor. Mmmmm...
    Peony: I'm not sure, but I think saying, "aaarrhhhhh" after the first sip is required.
    Holly: THANKS!
    Joey: Thanks! Oooh, we saw that on your blog! Bloggie wouldn't let us comment yet, but we'll try again later! That's really COOL!
    Fu Fu: I love it. Really and truly.
    Buster: Yeah! Fu Fu looks COOL!
    Play bows,

  21. hey Zim, come to my place & I will serve you cappuccino everyday.

  22. Ben Ben: COOL! Wonder if I can drive to Malaysia?
    Play bows,

  23. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, coffee! My mum and dad are coffee addicts! They LOVE Starbucks!

  24. Indy: Isn't it great!??! I love cappuccino!
    Play bows, Zim
