This week, our
Sunday Salute goes out to
Missy, Maya Marie and Bella's mom,
Gerri! As some of you know, she is starting a home-based business making gourmet dog biscuits! We at Ao4 HQs are lucky enough to have landed jobs as members of her
taste-test panel! The cookies are incredible ... and we thought we'd share with you how our job is going so far!
It all started when the Big Brown Truck pulled up. Zim went out to greet the driver.
Ha roo?
The driver gave Mom two boxes, but not the box with our cookies in it! She told him she was expecting another box and he went in the back to look for it.
Hey. Hey, Mr. UPS Man!
I'm expecting a very important package!
Do you have it?
He couldn't find it, but said it was on his sheet as being "out for delivery", so it must be on another Big Brown Truck. 
Are you sure? I could help you look!
He was sure. Fortunately, another Big Brown Truck pulled up later on and brought our package.

Yeah! This is it!
It had cute paw prints and puppy faces on it - we KNEW it was for us!
Inside, we found three different kinds of cookies:
Banana Blueberry, Pumpkin Oat and Three Cheese. Mmmmm! They were all packed really nicely and had all the ingredients listed, so Mom could make sure they didn't contain anything that would upset our tummies! Gerri also enclosed a short questionnaire, so we could provide her some feedback. We'll email all the details to her, but in the meantime... a few photos can sum everything up!
Dave got to sniff the bags. He decided we should try the Banana Blueberry ones first.
He was so busy sniffing, the picture was blurry. That's why we made it small. But you get the point - they smell DELICIOUS!
To make it up to Davy fans out there, here's a bigger picture of him trying the cookie.
You can almost feel his excitement, can't you? My (Stormy's) picture is a bit blurry, too. It's not our fault - it's just that the cookies are so good, we couldn't contain our joy!
Yum! Bananananana Blueberry!
Check out Zim, sampling his first one!
WOWZERS! I love these!
And saving the BEST (at the risk of making her blush) picture for last ... here's Ammy!

They smell so GOOD!
And they're a cute heart shape, too!
Oh, I just love them!!!
One taste of these cookies, and you'll all love them, too! We predict that this business will be a BOOMING success!
It's a tough job, pups, but we're glad to help Gerri out! Missy?! Maya Marie?! Bella?! Please give your mom a couple VERY special kisses on the nose from us. We love all three varieties of the biscuits and ... we salute her!
The Army of Four