Woo! Get it? I was laying in the sun ... and it's Sunday ... and so ...
OK. Maybe Thirstday was better. I've got to work on my joke-telling skills.
At least Ammy liked it.
Woo! Get it? I was laying in the sun ... and it's Sunday ... and so ...
OK. Maybe Thirstday was better. I've got to work on my joke-telling skills.
At least Ammy liked it.
You never know; something could be shakin' over there. Really.
Play bows,
Mom had to break it to him that Mickey was just a design on the fab. Roger seemed so sad, though, and we thought he might need a pal more his size. Mom put him up on a shelf - HIGH on a shelf - with the Valentine's stuffy Zim's girlfriend Sitka sent him.
They do look mighty cute together, don't they? Oh, and don't worry. He's safe up there. But just to be on the safe side ... I'll keep an eye on him when we're down here.
That's right. I've got my eye on you.
Oh - not ROGER. I'm watching Dave.
I just want to play with him, Storms! I wouldn't hurt the little guy!
We don't want Roger to end up like Wonky. I'm here to make sure that doesn't happen.
Tail wags,
Then she said, "Please, Ammy! Please look straight ahead!" So I did!
Only maybe slightly higher than she wanted me to. Hee hee hee! Then Mom said to please not look up, so I looked down -
...and grabbed my cool camo football.
Mom let me play for a while, then said, "OK, Ams. Let's go in - I give up!" Which sounded great ... and ... I forgot myself! I looked RIGHT at the camera and smiled.
Please don't anypuppy tell Stormy about this, OK? I can't believe Mom tricked me! Hrmph!
Woo, everypuppy and kittycat, it's me - Dave! Hang on to your collars; I've got BIG news!
For the past few days, Zim has shared with you the arrival of Roger, Roger settling in, and Roger learning about some of our rituals here at Ao4 HQs. Well, once he felt comfortable enough, he told Zim about the Secret Mission Huffle sent him on!
Zim came in to tell us about it and Mom hit the vid button! He was so excited, though, that he forgot himself and resorted back to his first language - Coyote. (To new readers, Zim had been chained to a tree for the first year and a half of his life and learned to sing from the Coyotes who talked to him. Once he adopted our family, Stormy taught him Siberian!) Anywoo, here's Zim with the news - and my translation into Siberian.
I couldn't believe it when I heard it, either! Woo!
PS: In case anyone is wondering what that is on the counter by me, it's a stack of new fabric for me and Mom. Here they are, after they came out of the wash:
...but he insisted he was up to the challenge. I decided to give the little guy a chance and focused back on the view:
I settled in, then assumed the Snooter Rest on the Railing manuever - a very challenging pose. Just thinking about it must have been too much for my pal Rog:
That's right. He keeled over from exhaustion. There was only one way to revive him! Dad's coffee!
It did the trick, and we were able to get back to work. I decided I'd best give him a paw up, though.
Here you go, little fella! Stick close to me!
Our neighborhood has NEVER been safer! Really!
OH! And he finally told me what his Secret Mission is! Dave will fill you in tomorrow!
Play bows,
After a short snooze, Roger said he was ready to play. Play!?!? Now you're talking! I jumped off the bed and we ran into the living room, doing zoomies. I ran back into the bedroom and yelled, "Ha roo!" and play bowed, waiting for Rog to come back in!
He's a little slower than me - I mean ... he's a rat, not a Sibe - but he came dashing back in!
We did a lot more running around, then Storm said Roger probably needed some more rest. Amber stepped in and said she'd watch over Rog; those two seem to like each other!Ammy and Rog
You can see part of me and Dave in the background; we were still in the "huskying around" phase. We eventually decided to settle in for a little sack time.
Am and Rog again
I think he's going to like it here!
Tune in tomorrow, as I show Roger our morning "coffee on the deck" ritual!
Play bows,
I had to stick my snooter into his soft fluff and give him a good sniff:
He smells like Huffle! How cool!
I just knew that's what Huffle would smell like! Oh, and check this out:
Huffs sent me a gorgeous card with her picture on it! The front reads, "For my best friend Zim" then there's all kinds of cool stuff on the inside. She also said to try not to chew Roger up on the first day. Chew him up!?!? No way! He's my buddy! Even Ammy likes him! She was reading the card Huffle sent to her, Storms and Davy and she let Roger join her!
See that, Amber? That's Huffle Mawson, Explorer Cat and Honorary Husky...
Ever since Huffle told Am that if she was a Sibe, she'd want to look just like her, Ammy's decided Huff is really special. She said she won't hurt Roger since Huffle sent him!
In fact, Saturday there was a full moon, and Ammy and Roger started clowning around together. Look at those two!
Roger and Ammy
Has to be the full moon, don't you think?
Anyroo, as you may have read on Huffle's blog, she sent Roger here on a secret mission. Or maybe coming here IS his secret mission. I wasn't sure, because it was ... secret. I thought Rog and I had a moment alone, so I started to ask him about it. Mom came in, so we had to clam up.
Who, us? We weren't doing anything. Really.
It's like she doesn't trust me or something. I told Roger to do his best "innocent" pose. Don't we look TOTALLY innocent?
The picture of innocence
Mom forgot all about what we may or may not have been up to and took our picture. She can't resist my cute poses. Storm came in and reminded me that Roger had had a very long trip from Australia, and needed some rest. Good point, Storms. She took Roger to her favorite napping place in the kitchen.
Just stay here for a while, Roger. No one will bother you if you're with me.
She made sure he got some good sleep!
So, Huffs - thanks for sending Roger to us! We're taking really, really good care of him. I'll post more pix of him tomorrow. We've already done a lot of cool stuff together! If only YOU were here, too!
Play bows,
Zim (and Roger)
... but there was also something in there for ME! (And Mom.) Check this out!
Australian fabric!!! Isn't it cool!?!? One of them has cool, vintage cars and maps of Australia and the others are aboriginal prints. I can't WAIT to help Mom make something from these! Woo, Huffle and Huffle's mom - these are so COOL! Thank woo VERY much!
In other news, Mom and I have been very busy in the studio lately. I kept staring at one of the fabs Mom was using for a Sitia Bag she's making for an American Heart Association fund-raiser. She couldn't figure out why at first. Check this out; I circled the key motif:
Is it just me, or does it look like little cookies scattered around the fabric? Mom says I'm working too hard. She's probably right.
Dave, Guide Dog for the Color Blind