Who We Are

Friday, March 09, 2007

Beware of... Kitlers!

Woo, everypup! It's me - Dave. Remember Ammy's post from a couple weeks ago? She mentioned she had gone to the vet's for a big check up and posted some pictures at the vet hospital. I had told you she went in for her first Senior Care Appointment. Well, guess where I get to go today!?!?

YEAH! I'm not real happy that I didn't get my breakfast, but oh, I love seeing all the people there and giving them hugs. I like that part. And getting tummy rubs and hugs back and all!

I don't have cool pix yet like Ammy did - since I haven't been there yet - but here are a couple photos of me in the exam room last time.

Don't I look cool in my DCU scarf?

When Ammy thanked everypup for the congrats and all on her great check up, she said that not all cats are bad and posted a picture I'd seen on campus. She's right about those cats ... but lest you think we're letting our guard down, I wanted to give you a quick heads up about some other cats that might not be quite as innocuous. (Paws up to Storm for that word!) It's a group of cats that ... well ... cats that look like Hitler. And they're all OVER the place, these KITLERS! Beware, pups. These cats look like bad news!

Anywoo, wish me luck, everypup! Catch you guys this afternoon!



  1. My darling Dave,
    I sure hope everything goes well for you at the vet. They always seem to want to poke and prod and stick you with things!

    Those Kitlers are rather strange. I will be sure to watch for any!


  2. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! That Hitler Cat Website is the funniest ever, Jeannie is crying with laughter at it!

    Good luck at the Vet Dave too, I go next week for my blood test - hope it goes well for you.

    Now off to calm Jeannie down, she is still giggling at those cat pics!!!

    love and licks Marv xxxx

  3. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Woo Woo Dave! You will have to report how your visit with THE VET goes! I am sure everything will test out just fine! I have a few more months until my yearly visit...whoo hoo!
    Hugs, Sitka

  4. OH I love your DCU scarf! My Papa used to where those when we lived at Fort Irwin! I think you are very handsome Dave!
    By the way thanks for the Kitler warning!

  5. Hey Dave,

    I hope that your check-up goes swimmingly. I was so relieved that Amber was fine. Hey, we at Pippin's blog are copying your puppy pic-fest and I got to go first. I'm sure that Amber would like to see what I looked like as a wee one. Check it out soon, though, because the other pups in my pack are whining for their turn

    Bye now

  6. Dave Dave,

    Good Luck at the Vets today! We want an A+++++ Report, nothing less!

    Me and Maddie have a Kitler that walks on our brick fence in the pool backyard that we have to see every day! It just loves to flaunt its Kitler(ish) self n front of us, oh yes, you are bad Kitler (BEHIND THESE GLASS DOORS)........No good no good Kitlers....

    Maddie barks at Kitler WOOOOOOOOF WOOOOOF thats how she sounds, she doesn't Woo Woo like us.....

    Luv and good reports, XOXOXOXO
    Frankie Girl and Maddie Labenstein

  7. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Hey Dave,

    I hope you have a great check-up.

    I'll have to check out the Kilters.

    Tell Storms, Amber, and Zim that Arwen said, Hel-wooo!


  8. Woo, everypup! I'm home and am EXHAUSTED! I'll answer each comment tomorrow ... but for now, it's kibble and a nap before bedtime! All reports are good!

  9. Dave - so glad it all seems ok! Your silence has worried us!

    Enjoy your kibble, love Marvin xxxxx

  10. Good luck at the vet. Hopefully they don't do anything to bad to you. Those kitlers are funny. Who could be afraid of a cat with that tiny thing above it's lip

  11. yikes! i think those kitlers mite join the evil skwerrel army to take over the free dog world!!

  12. Good luck! Let us know how it went!

  13. OMDOG we just had to tell you this. Last night Mom was watching TV and in the TV room there is a security door. It means we can see out and people are not able to see in. We were sitting there watching the street and guess what walked RIGHT up to our door. A CAT?! RIGHT AT OUR DOOR!!!!!!!! We went crazy scratching and lunging at the door and it ran as fast as it could across the street and into the neighbor's yard. They know where I live and how to get in! I am not leaving that door all weekend!


  14. I dont think that link worked but it was me guarding the door!

  15. Hollybollyboo: They did a LOT of stuff to me, but I am a very good patient. As long as they're rubbing my tummy, I'm very cooperative. Thank woo for the good wishes!!!

    Marvin: Aren't the Kitlers funny?!?!? Some of those cats really look evil, don't they?
    Be sure to let us know how your blood tests go!!!

    Sitka: Thank woo! Everything looked pretty good! AND I got cookies!


  16. China: Thank woo! My mom made mine from one of my dad's old uniforms! Zim used to have a BDU one... we won't say what happened to it. If you know what I mean. We'll have to post a pic of us in our scarves for you!

    Hamish: Am looked at your puppy pix a couple times and will leave a comment. They are SO incredibly cute. I like the one of you with the sheeps!

    Frankie and Maddie: You have a Kitler there!?!? Oh NO! Beware, girls, BEWARE! It's good that Mads does the Lab bark at it! That'll scare it off!!!

    Arwen: Thank woo - and greetings delivered!


  17. Peanut: Thank woo! They are very thorough at our Senior Care appointments!

    Ivy: The thought of the Kitlers in cahoots with squirrels is SCARY!!!

    Cubby: Thanks, friend!

    Joe: It was trying to SPY on you!!! The nerve coming all the way up to your DOOR!!!

    Luv to everypup - and thanks for your kind wishes!
