Who We Are

Friday, March 23, 2007

Give Me the Keys ... and I'll Drive You Crazy

Hey everypup. It's me, Zim. It was our really cute friend Sitka's birthday a week and a half ago. I wanted to borrow the car and drive out to Georgia to help celebrate. Dave was going to come with me - and I think the girls, too. We had great plans - stop in Overland Park, Kansas (the KCK area) to pick up our friend Thunder (and Dakota and Phantom, if they wanted to join us), see if any of the D'Azul Sibes could come, swing up to Holly's place, you know ... just picking up friends along the way - to go celebrate with Sitka. I hit a snag, though. It would appear I don't know how to drive.

I tried to remember how Mom does it. Here are pix of me from a while ago; she said the car is all dirty right now and she wanted it to look clean on the blog. Whatever.

I told Thunder and Sitka what happened; they couldn't see where I went wrong, either. I got in, sat in the driver's seat and started singing. Usually when Mom does that, the car goes. It didn't budge an inch. I wonder if the battery is dead or something?

How do you make this thing go?

Any ideas from anypup? I was thinking I could drive around and get everypuppy who's interested and we could go to Siberia.

Give me the keys..... and I'll drive you crazy!
Play bows,


  1. Zim you look like you are ready to go, go, go!! We only get to ride in the back of our DUV (Dog Utility Vehicle) but we'd go everywhere with you. As for the snow situation here in Minne-snow-ta, its almost all gone. Only some small piles left on the north side of our house. We'll take a picture of the sad state of affairs for our next post. Belly rubs for all!!

  2. Hey and you could visit us too we are in Georgia!!! Too bad you don't know how to make the car "go"! Maybe if you get a drivers license!
    I have one but Madie doesn't have one yet! I still don't ever get to drive though, Mom says it would have to be a "team" effort for dogs to drive cuz we can't reach the pedals, hey maybe you all could work together and make a AO4 mission "Car Drive" and figure out how to get the car to go!

  3. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Hey Zim,

    YOU were going to drive to Georgia, and you weren't even planning on seeing me!


  4. Oh Zim, that car is way to small for all of us to fit! I don't think I would even fit in the back all by myself, let alone with others!

    How about I steal my humans Grand Voyager (seats have been removed) and we can probably fit a good 15 or more doggies in there, depending on everyone's size of course!

    I might need to work on getting one of those drivers licenses that China mentioned!


  5. Tasha & Eva: Roo. The Ice Cube Thief took ALL our snow a LONG time ago! Can you mail me some?

    China: Oh, maybe THAT'S what I need to do - get a driver's license! Thanks, I'll check that out!

    Arwen: Not true! Not only am I going to come see you when I go to Georgia, I want to drive to Siberia with you! 'K?

    Hollybollyboo: It's small, but it's COOL! And has a sun-woof!

    Play bows,

  6. PS: We'll pick up Madie and China, too. EVERYpup who wants to come.
    PPS: Especially the bee-roo-tiful Arwen. And the bee-roo-tiful Althea. And is Japan on the way? The bee-roo-tiful Jazz and Dixie! (Did I do that right, Dave? Huh, did I?)

    Play bows,

  7. PPPS: And Madie and China are bee-roo-tiful, too, I meant to say. And I'll pick up ALL the bee-roo-tiful girls, 'cuz you're ALL bee-roo-tiful! (What, Storm? I'm diggin' myself in even deeper? What do you mean?)
    I think I need a cappuccino....

    Play bows,

  8. Anonymous2:13 PM

    well we know fufu knows how to drive! we should ask him! i mean he has a fufu-mobile!

  9. You need the keys! You remembered the keys, right? Hey, that car was meant for you! You look awesome behind the wheel!

    Love ya lots,

  10. Zim,
    You forgot us too!! That's okay, my mom says she's going to show us how she can fly an airplane, so once we learn, we will round up the Texas dogs and meet you there. Ready, Brat Pack?

    Steve & Kat

  11. Hey Zim!
    I wouldn't know. I have mum, the Chauffeur to drive me around. But when you figure it out, let me know, ok? I'd like to steal the car and go to the park!

  12. Too bad you could not make that lil' white sports car go!! You would have lots of fun I am sure,

  13. Think you could swing through kentucky first and pick me up? Or you could drop your car off here and take my mom's jeep. It would probably fit more of us in it.

  14. LOL Don't worry Zim we would never be offended by you, your too sweet! But thanks for calling us Be-roo-tiful too!
    China & Madie

  15. oh Zim, I don't know how to drive either but I think you have to press one of your feet down on a pedal in the front there! But not sure which one.....?

    And whether your legs are long enough to reach is another matter.

    I will ask Simba, he seems to get about quite well in his Mum's car, and he is very small!

    love and licks Marv xxxxxx

  16. Hershey: Great idea!

    Maggie: The keys?!?! Pup! Why didn't I think of that!
    And... thank roo. :)

    Steve & Kat: We want to pick you pups up, too. But I like this flying idea. If birdies can do it, why not us, too?

    Liberty: Mom as a chauffeur! Ha roo! I like the way you think!

    Jasper: I love tooling around in our car!

    Peanut: Of course we'll pick you guys up! The more, the furrier! Ha roo roo roo!

    China & Madie: Thank roo for understanding. I think ALL puppies are bee-roo-tiful and I don't want to leave anypup out or hurt their feelings or anything!

    Marvin: Pedals! China mentioned pedals, too. Hmm. I'm going to have to have Mom drive me somewhere and watch her more carefully. I really thought it was just sit down, start singing, and the car would GO!

    Play bows,

  17. Woo, it looks like you've done everything right, were you singing "On The Road Again", maybe the car just didn't have the right song playing, harooooo! Come get us too please, we'll bring chicken treats for everypup!
    Face Licks, M&M

  18. Anonymous6:45 PM

    ZIM!!! First off you look VERY handsome in the driver's seat of that car. Second.. I agree,,, the care is not big enough for everyone.. but it can be used. We can tow it behind Holly's big car! I am loving the post!!! I am totally in for going to Siberia.. but I think we are gonna have to fly there!!! ha rooooo!
    Love and hugs, Sitka

  19. oh my i wish I knew how to drive, I think your car is busted

  20. M & M: I didn't try that song. I was going for the "ha roo roo" song. Who knew it made a difference?

    Sitka: Me? Cute? Ha roo roo roo!

    Joe: Do you think it's the battery?

    Play bows,
