Who We Are

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Say Your Prayers, Bug!

Ha roo, everypup! Zim here - or as some know me, Drill SGT Zim.
See... I'll go into more detail another time about how I got my name, but the short version is that I was named after a character in the Robert Heinlein book Starship Troopers ~ SGT Zim, the Drill Sergeant who saves the day! The enemy is giant BUGS ... and as they say, "The only good bug is a dead bug." It's a motto I try to live up to! Ha rooooo!
So... the other day I told mom I needed to use the yard, so she hooked me up and took me out. Then THERE! Right in the middle of the driveway! Look what I saw!

Bug 1

BUG!!!!!! Giant bug! Right outta the pages of Starship Troopers!
Say your prayers, bug! You're mine!
But then I looked a little closer. Check this out:

Bug 2

It looks like it is saying its prayers! Imagine that!
Mom explained to me that it's a special bug called a Praying Mantis. It was pretty cool looking... and I dunno, I decided to let it live to see another day. (Of course, if I didn't have mom on a leash, I may have made another choice... but hey, you know how it goes!)
There's also a movie version of Starship Troopers, but it's not as good as the book. The guy who plays me does a pretty good job, though!

Any cool bugs on your side of the park?
Dave likes the ones with chem sticks, as per his Haik-woo 15.
Storms hates flies. Just hates 'em! And there aren't too many things she'd use that word over!
Am likes to pounce the really big grasshoppers.
And thanks to yours truly, there's a Walking Stick somewhere around here that's now a Limping Stick. Ha roo roo roo! (Yeah, I know ... but see earlier comment about being on a leash.)

Until next time, play bows, everypup! And remember ... the only good bug is a dead bug!
Drill SGT Zim


  1. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Hey Zim,

    It's Arwen. Love the fact that you got your name from Starship Troopers. I have a literary name, too. Since, my pack-mate is none other than J. Arf Arf Tolkien, when I joined the family Mom decided I should be Arwen. Raven got her name from the teenage girl, who named her after some Japanese cartoon character, but Raven fits in with the whole Lord of the Rings theme we have going on at our house.

    Even our pen called is Husky Hobbit Hollow. No round doors, but our pen is next to a creek, and we get to watch the deer.

    Yours in tail wags,


  2. Arwen! Ha roo! I'm so glad to hear from you; we were getting worried! I thought maybe Tolkien was taking that "harem" thing too seriously! Me and Dave were going to come rescue you and Raven!
    I like the names you all have. The biped Tolkien was a great writer!
    Given your whole theme... do you get second breakfast?
    Play bows,

  3. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Hey Zim,

    Oh yes! We get 2nd breakfast, elevenses, lunch, afternoon tea(dog biscuit), and supper. We're true husky hobbits because we like the simple things in life like walkies, our chew-chews and digging holes.

    Thanks for the rescue offer, guys. Tolkien has been behaving himself. He recently had to have surgery to remove a growth from his foot, but he's healing up quite nicely. Raven and I have been looking after him.

    Yours in tail wags,


  4. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Scary bug Zim--keep a good watch on them. We get spiders at our house, but I eat 'em quick so the people don't freak out


  5. *Salutes to Drill SGT Zim*
    Hey Zim, I dont like bugs very much too.

    ~ fufu

  6. We like to eat bugs too, especially my step-brother Samuel. He especially likes grasshoppers. He pounces on them, or catches them right in the air when they jump away from him. My step-sister Abby absolutely DETESTS flies! They drive her crazy, she bites at them, and chases them around the house until she catches and eats it. Mom thinks it's funny, but Abby isn't too happy about it! We all have to do our part in controlling the bug population!


  7. Anonymous10:07 AM

    well, you guys have such cool looking bugs compared to ours! The most exotic we have are Crane Flies, also known as Daddy Long Legs. Disgusting things, their many legs fall off all over the place. Yuk!

    Marvin ;0)

  8. Anonymous10:07 AM

    well, you guys have such cool looking bugs compared to ours! The most exotic we have are Crane Flies, also known as Daddy Long Legs. Disgusting things, their many legs fall off all over the place. Yuk!

    Marvin ;0)

  9. Anonymous10:08 AM

    well, you guys have such cool looking bugs compared to ours! The most exotic we have are Crane Flies, also known as Daddy Long Legs. Disgusting things, their many legs fall off all over the place. Yuk!

    Marvin ;0)

  10. Blogger just ate my comment. :(
    Pippin: Spiders are EVIL! I have to be quick, 'cuz my dad likes to whack 'em, too!
    FuFu: The praying bug was almost as long as you are!
    Holly: Aren't grasshoppers cool? Pouncing them is FUN!
    Marvin: We don't see the praying bugs very often. They're cool, aren't they!?!?
    Play bows,

  11. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Zim, my hero. I hate bugs.

  12. Althea: Did you say you hate bugs or ate bugs? Ha rooooo!
    Play bows,
