Wooooo! It's me, Dave! Stormy said I could answer a question our very g

ood friend and talented poet
Marvin asked us! He left us the comment,
"How do I prevent my Mama from going cross eyed? She has been trying to put something called a Favatar on the heading of my blog, but her eyes hurt now; she is teaching me new 'naughty' words and is in the process of hurling the computer out of the window or putting an axe through it - whichever is a quicker and easier death for it! Advice much appreciated if you have any?" Marvin, there has been many a time when our mom has wanted to heave our computer through the window, so I think I know where you're coming from. Woo. I have a couple recommendations for you. First,
bring her a toy. My mom likes nothing better than for me to jab her in the leg with my dinosaur bone. If that doesn't work,
start a howl-athon until she takes you for a walk. This might be easier for us, since there are four of us, but do your best. A nice, brisk walk will help clear her head. And with any amount of luck, she'll forget about the computer when you get home and play toys with you!
If all else fails, try this:
Go to http://www.myfavatar.com/. Register with their site, then upload the picture of your choice. The simpler, the better! It will have a couple steps for you - just follow those. Where it says "edit blog" - they don't mean that like we thought. It's basically where to put your blog address. So we did that, too. Then it will take you to the favicon codes. Go to the one that says, "favicon code". Select all, then copy.
Go to your blog dashboard. From there, click on Layout - then the template tab. Click on HTML. Keep scrolling through that until almost the bottom. You should see something like ]]>< / b :skin > < / head > See it? Paste your code right after that. Roxie of the Dachsies suggested putting it on the next line so you could see it better, and that worked real well. Click preview to see if it worked - give it time to load.
Select "save template". All done!
We hope that simplifies things for you. Zimmie did ours and I think he did a great job!
I need to sign off now. I have some important staring to do. Woo.

Wow Dave! I sure hope that you told that intruder that you owned the land it was on!!!
Hi Dave...better stop that intruder for sure! That was great advice to Marvin. I'm sure his Mom will love going for a walk and getting a toy.
ReplyDeleteLots of Licks, Ruby
Great advice! *Giggle*. Love all of your answers!
It took my mom days to figure out the favicon too so we know just what poor Jeannie and Marvin are going through!
ReplyDeleteA bunny! Go for it!
Love ya lots,
ooooooh forget the darn favatar, wild rabbit, bring it on! bring it on! ooooh and Jeannie is now looking out for the bloomin' toy every time she sees me!
ReplyDeleteha ha ha! Dave you are the funniest and loveliest Sibe in Lab Clothing!
You make me laugh and smile soooooooooooo much!
ps by the way Jeannie says thank you soooooooooooooo much for your clever Husky advice! We will try it out tomorrow when she has recovered her eyes back!
Apparently her eyes were very annoyed at one point I understand....well, hey, I am Marvin, I get things confused....she said she was "cross" eyed!
love and lots of Marvin licks, Marvin xxxxxx ;0)
Mmmmmmm, bunny! Did you get it Dave? Heck we don't even know what a favatar is, probably best that way, it would just be another thing for our lady to screw our blog up with.
ReplyDeleteFace Licks, M&M
Thank you for the instructions. We will have to make on for us too!!
ReplyDeleteSteve and Kat
Whoa....that's some bunny! Mom banned us from bunnies around Easter cause she was worried about the one that brings all the Easter baskets but it's over now so go for it! I've never caught one but Meeka ran an Opossum up a tree once.
ReplyDeleteOhhh, bunny! The human woman winced when she saw yours, since we both know what happened to the one in MY yard! Hopefully yours got away.
Hey Dave
ReplyDeleteMy mum is the same with computers. Our computer is old and slow and mum gets very agitated. We put our slobby noses on her lap to calm her down.
I told mum about putting a favicon on my blog and she said "Oh no !!". I guess that means I'll be waiting, waiting ...
By the way, tell Zim, Rose likes Siberians, but only if they do what she tells them to do. We had some work done at home last week and the workman brought his sharpei-x dog with him called "Dozzer". He was very dominant and not desexed. He gave Hobson and Hammer a hard time, but Rose set him straight. One look from her steely eyes and then a growl right in his face and he took off with his tail between his legs.
Love from your friend, Hammer
what are you staring at there buddy?? you guys are such helpful pups!
ReplyDeleteNice favicon guys, very spiffy!
You are so full of information! We are getting smarter every day just by reading your blog! We will try to think of a question to ask but it seems you have had so many good ones already!
ReplyDeleteRoxie, Sammy & Andy
its a favicon, unless you use a picture of Opy like the one on DWB, then is a faticon :-)
ReplyDeleteWe thinks that sounds awful clever... We wonder if we might do that for our new blog...
The Dona Nobis Pacem (Peaceglobe) Day has really caught the imagination of some blogging dogs. Up until now, the Catosphere has dominated, but Mimi, founder of the Blogblast for Peace (yes, it really does have that many names!) has sent out a plea for more peace-loving dogs to join:
The Second Official
Blogblast for Peace
6th June 2007
...Excitement is building...
(If you do 'Wordless Wednesday' a Peaceglobe would be fantastic! *lick*)
Dad uses bad words when he's at the computer sometimes too. Bad Dad! He's going to try his luck with a favicon so we're ready to cover our ears with our paws when he starts that! With the help from you guys maybe it won't be too bad! Keep an eye on that dangerous bunny! They're capable of eating all the humans plants. At least they do here. Belly Rubs, Tasha & Eva
ReplyDeleteSitka: Technically it's the next-door-neighbor's yard ... but I stared at the bunny REAL hard!
ReplyDeleteRuby Bleu: Nothing beats playing with a toy! Except maybe walkies or a nap...
Precious: Thank woo - and nice to meet you!
Maggie: Stormy tasked Zim to do our favicon. I think he got help from the Dachsies! Those pups are SMART!
Marvin: I didn't get the "cross eyed" thing, but once Amber stopped giggling, she explained it to me. Ha wooooo. Good one.
Give the favicon a try! Shoot Zim an email if you need help!
Those bunnies are EVERYwhere!
M & M: I was on a leash, so I didn't get to chase the bunny. I did stare real hard, though.
Steve & Kat: Good luck! Let Zim know if you need any help!
Echo: Our mom's like that, too! Zim and I did sneak into the fenced-in back yard the other day without our leashes, though - and chased and chased and chased one! Grab this - Mom seemed HAPPY when the bunny escaped through the fence. Can you believe that?
Holly: Just some severe staring at the bun. And a mind meld message that the Ao4 OWN this neighborhood! Woo.
Hammer: Oh, a nose in the lap sounds like a great way to help, too! I'll keep that in mind!
Your sister Rose sounds a lot like our sister Stormy! Zim would LOVE her! He's very good at doing whatever will please the other pup and make her feel at ease. He's a great pup! Very charming - everypup loves Zim!
Bogart: Thank woo! The picture itself was designed by Opy and Charlie's dad, Greg! Isn't it COOL!!??
Dachsies: We never could have done the favacon without your help!! Thank woo!
Charlie! You don't mean that! Opy is bee-woo-tiful!
Forest Dogs: I have to run this past Stormy....
Tasha & Eva: Good luck to your dad! Remember to poke him with a toy if things get out of paw! Or try Hammer's suggestion of a nose in the lap! I like that idea!
The bunnies here eat EVERYthing, according to Mom. Except the weeds. Woo.
Luv to everypup,