Sunday Salute this week goes to our dear friend
Bryn of Florida! You may remember Bryn from a
Salute we did to her and her feline sister Maui back in December! We wanted to give you a P-update on how the two of them are doing, since they've been in their furever home for a while now! They sent us SUCH great information and pictures that we decided to give each of them their own Salute! We'll fete Bryn today and Maui next Sunday!
Bryn's mom told our mom,
"...the chain of command is definitely established in the household......Maui, Bryn, then us." Sounds like things are going remarkably well - with the possible exception of the cat coming first.
Sitka - does Tia out rank you at your place? Is this normal? She continued,
"Both furbabes are fine-tuned to the sounds of the house: the opening of the freezer door means ice cream!" Mmmm, ice cream! Bryn told us that if she hears her mom get something called a purse out, it
"...usually means she's going out without me. BUT...if she takes the special fanny pack from the closet and clips my waterbowl to my collar then I just know it's all about ME!!! A nice drive then a walk around the lake makes for a great day." Sounds idyllic!
We are really proud of all the hard work Bryn has taken on since arriving at her furever home! Here she is on
KP, one of SGT Zim's favorite duties.
We bet that bowl is clean enough to put back in the cabinet when she's done with it!

She told us,
"My mom was so proud of me......I'm an AKC certified CGC (that's Canine Good Citizen). That means I can visit hospitals, nursing homes and schools. Mom takes me to the Home Depot, Lowe's, JoAnn's, the nail salon and the quilt shop (eat your heart out, Dave). And guess what! All those places have treat jars for pups like me!" Woo. The quilt shop? Woo. And
treat jars?
Even though she's a CGC, she's not normally allowed on the beds at her house. A picture being worth a thousand woos, you can see here that she can get away with a few things when her "Treasures" are tucked in.

Ha roo roo roo! Way to keep that young biped safe, Bryn!
Not only does she watch over them while they sleep, she helps keep them cool while they're playing in the yard!
Bryn, helping to keep small bipeds cool!
Or was that revenge during a bath? Whatever the case, it looks like fun!
Her mom told us, "I'm always surprised at Bryn's thick coat. ... Heads up, Sibes - Bryn LOVES her Furminator! ...I sent for the Furminator shampoo and conditioning pair as well and we're so almost hair free in this house it's a joy!" What is Bryn thinking!?!? This causes us some concern. Especially Amber; I think we all know how she feels about baths and brushes - especially the EVIL Furminator! Stay safe, Bryn!
Bryn even does yard work! Here she is, watering the lawn!
Can't blame her for helping herself to a little refreshment. That's got to be exhausting work!
She's even met an historic celebrity since her adoption! Check this out - she met Davy Crockett!
Or maybe it's her "Treasure" Nick. Who cares!?! Look at the snuggle action! That's what really counts! It's all about the love!
Sounds like everything is going GREAT! But apparently there is one slight glitch - or as she told us, "...there's only one problem with my dad. He has these power tools.......and they scare me so bad I go hide in the shower."

Awwww! Bryn, you need to get with Zim. He LOVES power tools. Maybe he can help you overcome your fears! At least you have a place to go to where you can feel safe, though. Stormy will have Zim post about power tools some time this week, so be sure to stop by and read what Zim's got to say!
Power tools aside, it looks like you're doing INCREDIBLY well, Bryn! And you're working so HARD! We're so proud of you for earning your CGC certificate, for all the help you give your mom and dad around the house (yard work, KP, keeping the Treasures safe and cool) and we're totally impressed that you're rubbing elbows with celebrities! For all you do, Bryn - we salute you!
The Army of Four
Hey Ao4,
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice tribute to Bryn. You dogs are always so nice on your Sunday salutes.
As for a lovable lug in our pack--that would be Rafe without doubt.
See ya
Wowser that Bryn sounds like one cool dog! And very helpful too, yard watering, buped watering, that's all tough work, way to go Bryn!
ReplyDeleteFace Licks, M&M
What a great salute! Bryn looks really fun. Does she have a blog? Can't wait to read all about Maui next week.
ReplyDeleteLots of Licks, Ruby
A lovely Salute. All hail to Bryn and what a sweet doggoe!
ReplyDeletelove and loyal but very tired ocean swimming licks from Marvin xxxxxxxx
ooops sorry the bloomin key board is too small for my paws, meant to type in "doggie" not doggoe! I am so silly and silly fingered sometimes you know!
ReplyDeleteUH oh I saw that my Mom noticed about the Furminator and bought some...she said there was a coupon at PetSmart for it!!!!!! ACK!!! I hate baths and I hate getting brushed I feel the same as Ammy! This is totally unfair!
P.S. Madie is laughing at me now cuz she's usually the one who gets baths and grooming and stuff and I just watch her and snicker...
What a great Sunday Salute! Way to go Bryn on your CGC certificate!!! Yet another beautiful salute from the AO4. Bryn, if you don't have a blog, you should get one. We all would love to learn more about you.
what a great salute!! we are so glad bryn has settled into her forever home and seems to be happy, except for those tools. i dont like tools either
ReplyDeleteYea! Way to go Brynn! We like your graduation hat. How do you keep it on ;)
ReplyDeleteOh..Bryn looks like such a sweet doggie. :) I like how she pawtect her hoomans. Does she have her own blog?
ReplyDelete~ girl girl
Hi A04
ReplyDeleteBryn looks a real nice dog, but he's a Gundog afterall !!!
The only place for a Gundog to sleep is on the bed with the hoomans, or without the hoomans if there's not enough room.
Love from Hammer
It's so great that Bryn is doing so well in her fur-ever home! She sure looks very happy!!
Neato Ao4!
ReplyDeleteBryn is soo luckys. She gets to go into the showers. I try to do that almost everys night but my humans say NOOOO!
What a greats tribute. Keeps up the good works.
And that's a cooools deck I see.
Pippin: Thanks - Bryn is a very sweet pup, so deserving of all good things!
ReplyDeleteRafe, huh? Yeah... I could see that! :)
M&M: She's a hard-working Labradoggie!
Ruby: Bryn doesn't have a blog ...... YET! (Hint to Bryn!) Maui is a VERY cool kitty!
Marvin: Thank roo!
Were you trying to swim across the ocean to come see us???
China: I think brushing is OK ... but I'm with Am and you on the bath issue! Maybe you could eat the coupon for the Furnimator?
Sitka: She should get a blog! I think so, too!
Joe Stains: Tools don't "bother" me, but I'm not totally infatuated with them like Zim is!
Guinness & Shiloh: I wondered about that, too! And Shiloh - didn't you just earn your CGC, too?!?! Way to GOOOO!
Girl Girl: Another vote for Bryn having her own blog! Ha roooooo! Great idea!
Hammer: Ha roo! :) Beds aren't just for you gun dogs, though! Trust me on that one. Ha roo roo roo! I don't think anyone could look at the love and devotion on Bryn's face and not think she's exactly where she needs to be!!!
Holly: She does look very happy, doesn't she!?!? Furever homes ROCK!!!
Freda: I'm not in to showers myself, but whatever makes you feel safe and happy!!!
Thanks for the kind woofs on the deck!
Tail wags,