Woo! Dave here - ready to post on behalf of the Ao4 today! Before I do, though, I want to say a big
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the US Army! Hoo-ah!

We think this occasion calls for
cake, and we know our buddy
Echo would agree! Echo, I put your email address in the computer, and am sending this to you through the "D" drive.
I think all you have to do is fire up your CD/DVD drive, hit "print" and it'll be there for you. Woo.
It's also
Flag Day here in the States, a day set aside to honor our flag, its designers and makers. Once the rain is past us, I'll help mom
post the colors!
Stormy said I could respond to a couple of the
Ask the Ao4 questions!
Thanks, Storm! The first one is from our very best friend in all of Scotland -
Marvin! He asked Stormy,
"How do you decide whose turn it is to write a post on your Blog? I have often wondered, and do you fight over whose turn it may be? I look forward to hearing a clever answer soon." Woo. Stormy is the one who makes the decision about whose turn it is to blog and who fields the
Ask the Ao4 questions - she is our Supreme Commander, you know! She is great about letting somepuppy post if he or she has a really exciting idea, though! I'm sure she let
ME answer this one because you wanted a "
clever" answer. Woo.
(Why is Stormy ha roo roo roo-ing at me?) Anywoo, she tasks the resident subject area expert to do the blog - like I wrote about
baths, Ammy wrote about the
Snowball bushes, Zim shared his
expertise on drills with us, and Stormy answers the hard ones or really confusing ones, like about that Windy babe having
Stormy's eyes! (I hope K feels better about that; I'm still a bit freaked out, myself.) And fighting over turns? Nah. We share well! We're not the fighting sort!
Our good friend
Boomer wanted to know,
"How do your mom and dad get you all to pose so pretty for the camera? My mom would love to know!" First, Mom said to say, "
Thank you" for the nice compliment! She said it boils down to two different approaches, both starting with a nice digital camera, lots of shots taken so she has lots to choose from, and the old adage of
A Tired Siberian is a Good Siberian. Woo. That being said, the first approach is to catch us doing something we love, so we are relaxed and acting like ourselves. Those are things like
playing in the yard,
being out on walkies,
working, or
napping. Stuff like that. The other approach is either being in an
Ao4 formation - where we
MUST behave! - or ... a picture being worth a thousand woos ...
I think you know what I mean. Woo. As our vets have said, we Ao4 members are not food-aggressive, but we are food-motivated! Especially me. And ... well, especially me.
This leads to a great question from our pal Steve in my former home state of Texas! Steve wanted to know the answer to one of life's great mysteries. "How can I get my mom to give me cookies whenever I want them? See my blog for more details." Woo. So... your mom, who bakes the BEST cookies a pup could ever want made cookies you and Kat couldn't have? I just don't get that. No, I don't. I wanted to field this one myself, but I was at a loss. I had to consult with Storm. She really liked the pouting pose you did, Steve. She said you could punch it up a bit
by combining it with the Sad Eyes Look. As you do that, Steve, she said to throw in a mind-meld message that you need cookies. Big time. Stormy's really smart! I think this will work. Get Kat and Wilbur to help. Chant it together, "We... need... cookies! We... need... cookies!" Let me know how it goes for you! If it doesn't work, all of us out here in Siber-space can join in. That'll be sure to do the trick! Our mom tried baking cookies for us after we went crazy over the ones you sent us that your mom made. They were OK, but didn't measure up to your mom's! She needs to try again, using your mom's recipe. In fact, today would be a good day to try. "We... need... cookies, too! We... need... cookies, too!"
I hope this all helps, woo guys! Let me know - and keep those great questions coming!